The Prince Family

The Prince Family

Friday, August 23, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Our First Date Edition

Six years ago tomorrow, Brian and I went on our first date. In honor of that, I'd thought I'd give a run down of that AMAZING date for this version of Seven Quick Takes!

1. My parents had gone out for the night and that meant I was alone to meet Brian when he arrived at my door at exactly 6pm. (Looking back now I was totally crazy for meeting a stranger off of the internet alone at home, but, hey, I was young and naive.) He showed up with a white rose, and my heart literally stopped. Not only was he amazingly good looking standing on my doorstep, but he also came with a white rose. I had always had this thought that my future husband would bring me a white rose.

The white rose Brian brought me for our first date. I have it in our Memory Box dried out in the basement.

2. We set off in his car and headed to Station Square to park and then planned to take the incline to a place on Mt. Washington where Brian had made reservations. It was the hottest August Pittsburgh had seen in decades. The temps reached near 100 degress with 100% humidity. The incline ride was brutal, but we were having so much fun chatting and getting to know each other that it didn't bother us all that much.

3. Brian had made reservations at a place called the Shiloh Inn. If you visit it today, you will see it's pretty family friendly and has a sports bar atmosphere. That's not what it was like six years ago. Six years ago, it was candlelit and romantic. There was a story about how it was even haunted by the mistress of the original owner. The lighting was soft and the conversations were quiet and private. It was a great first date atmosphere. It was everything a first date dinner should be. Brian pulled out all the stops for romance, that's for sure.

The Scene of the Crime about 5 years later :)

4. After dinner we headed back down the incline to Station Square. We walked around for a little over an hour just talking. I stopped off in the bathroom at one point and disappeared for a long time to have a texting conversation with one of my dear college friends, Elizabeth. We were both pretty excited for me!

5. Eventually, we grew bored with Station Square and there was some stranger concert going on, so we decided to head back to my parent's place. I called ahead first, and my parents graciously enough made themselves scarce by the time we got home. So we had the whole living room to ourselves.

6. We talked for hours and hours and hours. No subject was too personal. We both felt like we couldn't learn enough about the other one fast enough. A little after midnight, Brian decided he head to make the drive back to Steubenville where he was living at the time. Reluctantly, I walked him out. We shared a hug before we parted ways and promised to talk the next day. It was one of the longest goodbyes I have participated in!

7. We both knew that something special happened between us that night. And we both knew that we had found our future spouse. Those realizations, although we wouldn't share them for another week, were so exciting. We just knew we had each found the one. As Brian drove away that night, I was already looking forward to the time in our lives when there wouldn't be anymore goodbyes. I was excited for our future ahead.

Our first picture together taken right after our first date.

I love you, Brian! What an amazing journey that first date started us off on! So blessed and so thankful!

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