The Prince Family

The Prince Family

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Five Faves

1. Spot Shot

This stuff is seriously AMAZING! I picked it up because it was cheap at Dollar General ($2.89), and about a week ago, I had to go out and get more because it's that good! I originally purchased it because both of our boys had severe reflux (like I'm talking Matthew and Noah could both hit walls 10 feet away with their puke and they cried and screamed almost constantly). The reflux lots of time left puke stains on my carpet. Grrr. So I thought I'd give this a try, and it took out every puke stain! Then we recently traded in our 1980's, I Survived a Frat House, plaid couch for a more modern chocolate brown one, and I realized within an hour that a solid colored couch with two little ones wasn't my brightest idea. Noah's favorite activity is rubbing his snot all over it. (On those occasions I like to refer to him as Brian's child, not my own.) And Matthew is found of crushing anything he's eating into it. But I need not fear, this stuff takes out everything! You can't even tell you used it because wherever you spray it dries a normal color. This stuff is a life saver!

2. Diaper Sales

I hunt the ads every week that most people refer to as Junk Mail for diaper sales. I always have a stack of diaper coupons just ready to go to town with. And let's face it. Noah is at least a year away from potty training. Oh my. This week was my lucky week. Rite Aid has boxes of Huggies on sale for $17.99. Then, I had $3.00 off coupons for Huggies on top of that! Yay me! So today I walked out of Rite Aid with diapers that retail for between $20 and $24 for $15 total. HUGE savings! I plan to go back tomorrow and use more of my lovely coupons on top of this great offer. Score!

3. Reasonably Priced Craft Kits

My mom recently bought Matthew a Sock Puppet Kit. This kid is the King of Crafts. Especially in the winter, he loved making new things each day. During the winter months, I'd cruise the clearance section of Walmart and could always find several kits (we painted wooden race cars one day) for less than $ lie. It was like a Gold Mine. This kit wasn't quite $3.00, but it was under $20 and it was a birthday gift from my mom. The cool thing is that we didn't need any glue at all and all of pieces have stayed stuck on for days. They are sturdy, easy, and Matthew had a blast making them. Plus, no mess for me to clean up when we are done! I know some people feel that crafts come from what's lying around at home. But I am pretty much super organized and clutter does not exist here. If my kids want crafts, we buy kits. And the kits really make life much easier.

4. Date Nights

Brian and I have one of these coming up on Friday. We always enjoy our time out together. It is nice to be able to sit and eat and drink without having to entertain the kids. When Matthew was born we decided that it was important that we make time for just the two of us once a month. Sometimes it happens more, but it's always at least once a month. It's good for our marriage and our sanity. It does help that my parents live just a few streets away and are always more than willing to babysit. But honestly, last weekend we used sitters who weren't my parents and the kids did great and the babysitters LOVED watching our boys. A win for all. I am definitely looking forward to a little one-on-one time with my hubby.

5. A Rumored *NSYNC Reunion

Oh how I miss them!
 I read an article yesterday that said they are rumored to be reuniting at the VMA's on Sunday. So for the first time since high school, I am actually planning on tuning in. I am sure I will be scandalized and appalled at what I see, but it will all be worth it if my boys do indeed take the stage. Growing up, I was super obsessed with them. You couldn't even see my bedroom walls because I had so many posters. And with all the other boy bands making comeback albums and tours, it's about darn time that the BEST boy band of all time (don't fight me on this one. I can name every musical record they hold. ;)) should reunite. I'm hopeful that this could lead to a reunion tour, and Brian looked super thrilled when I announced last night that if that happens, he will be taking me and we will have front row seats. Let's hope the rumor turns out to be true!

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