The Prince Family

The Prince Family

Friday, October 4, 2013

Seven Quick Takes

So I should be napping (seriously, sleep this week has been very little), but I can't not participate in 7 Quick Takes, so here we go!

1. Pittsburgh Catholic Mommas made the cover of Franciscan Way, the magazine from my Alma Mater. It was an honor to be featured there, and it makes me smile a little bit more about where I went to school. How many other universities would want to feature a Mom's Group on their cover? Not many. Nope. Not many at all. I am very blessed.

2. Christi met with me this week and started me on Phase 2 of her workout plan. Oh. My. Goodness. My legs are jello, and my abs just hurt. But you know what? It feels so stinking good! I love it and love her. The workout is definitely a challenge for me, but in a good way. I even overhead another woman at the gym say as I was jumping up and onto a box, "Wow. That's amazing." Oh yeah. :)

3. Noah has been teething terribly this past week. He is 16 months old and until Monday, he only had 7 teeth (the top 4 and bottom 3). Well, that all changed rapidly. Suddenly, he got a low grade fever, got a clear runny nose, became inconsolable, stopped sleeping through the night, and his gums began bleeding. So far, he has gotten two molars in completely. And I counted at least six other tooth buds ready to burst through this morning. I feel bad for him and he won't eat. I don't know what else I can do (we do IB Profen round the clock and Oragel). Matthew never had this hard of time with getting teeth. I am beyond exhausted, and I am tired of seeing my usually happy baby in pain. I am thankful that this too shall pass and selfishly thankful that it's happening before the holidays come along.

4. The boys and I picked up a Cake Boss cake to celebrate Abby's birthday a week late. We had plans to celebrate last Saturday night, but Matthew ended up getting really sick. Anyways, I LOVE Cake Boss. It all began when Matthew was first born and wouldn't sleep at night. I watched every episode of the first season of Cake Boss about a dozen times when they were being rerun at all hours of the night. At one point I was sure I could make all of his cakes in my sleep. He came to Pittsburgh this past April and gave away cakes for free. Matthew and I went down to Market Square and each got one. That was a crazy experience. (People were ready to fist fight. Cause we're classy like that in the Burgh.) The cakes are delicious, even though they are refrigerated, and I am excited to try the Red Velvet tonight.

5. Here are some pics from our outing to get free Cake Boss Cakes (And yes I did just make one quick take into two. Score!)

The cake we are eating tonight. :)
 6. Two weeks from now, Brian and I will be on our way to Wine Country in Erie to celebrate our five year anniversary. I am beyond excited. I cannot wait to finally have some much needed one-on-one time with just my hubby. And also we will get to sleep in! Yay! Plus, there's wine. And I really like wine. :)

7. Speaking of our anniversary, Brian and I have a new little picture and featured blurb on Success Story part of their website. It's kinda cool. That site is so special to us, and I highly recommend it to anyone. It was some of the best money I ever spent to join. My life would be drastically different today without it. Check out the new Success Story Page. :)

Have a great weekend! Happy Friday!

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