The Prince Family

The Prince Family

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

DIY: Preschool Snacks

Since Matthew started preschool, I have felt all kinds of crafty again! :) I used to be very into crafts when I was younger, but lost touch with the crafting world through high school, college, and the early years of  young adult life. Now, however, I'm back at it, and I'm loving every second! Matthew's first turn to bring snack to school is tomorrow, so I knew we had to do something fun when he announced that he wanted to bring grapes. I found this idea online, but I added a few personal touches, and I think I executed it really well. Enjoy!

Butterfly Grapes

 First, gather all of your supplies. You will need snack baggies, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, clothes pins (we chose multicolored clothes pins to make it more fun), and a hot glue gun. And of course, you need grapes. I found every thing at the Dollar Store, except the grapes and glue gun. The glue gun cost a mere $3 at Walmart, and I have a feeling I will be using it a lot more this year!

Next, you want to measure and cut apart the pipe cleaners and then fold them into antennas for the butterflies. There are only nine students in Matthew's class, so we didn't need too many. You could even get fancy and make the antennas swirly, but we kept it simple this time around.

After you have twisted all the antennas, it's time to glue them to the clothes pins. The hot glue worked really well to do this, and I would NOT recommend using craft glue. It takes too long to set and I'm pretty sure our antennas would have fallen off instantly without the heat of the hot glue.

Add on the googly eyes with the hot glue once all of the antennas are in place. Hot glue dries very quickly, so we didn't have to wait long before we could add the eyes. Some of our eyes we even glued on top of the antennas. I liked the look better that way.

Finally, you fill the snack baggies with grapes. (We put 16 in each baggie. Even numbers are easier to split.) Then, divide the grapes into the two sides of the bag and pinch it closed in the middle with the clothes pin. And magically you have Butterfly Grapes!

This project was easy, cheap, and fun. Matthew even got to help out a bit, and I really had a good time with that. I am already lining up ideas for Halloween and Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to more DIY crafting projects in the future! :)

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