The Prince Family

The Prince Family

Monday, September 9, 2013

Getting My PreBaby Body Back!

So, it feels like it has taken FOREVER this time around for me to get back to being even remotely close to my prepregnancy body. I even walked miles every day when I was pregnant with Noah and gained way less weight with him than I did with Matthew. After Matthew, the weight literally melted off. I was a size 2 by the time he was 9 months old (side note: I had never been a size 2 before in my entire life!). At that point, I joined a gym so that I could keep the weight off while weaning him. I became a gym addict (I started to love running) and was able to stay that size until Noah came into being when Matthew was 18 months old.

After Noah was born, I just assumed that the weight would melt off again. Ha! Not so, my friends, not so! I'm not sure if it was because he was a terrible nurser and I wasn't burning as many calories as I thought, or if my body was just way more stretched out than I had originally thought. I hit the gym the minute I got the go ahead at my six week postpartum check up. I started running miles every day and doing lifting exercises on the ab weight machines. I was frustrated. No matter what I did, I could not get back into my size 4 jeans. I wasn't looking to be a size 2 again (I honestly didn't carry that look well and Brian has said he was afraid I'd blow over), but a size 4 would be okay! Really, I'd take that. I was even counting calories again, and I hadn't had to do that so strictly since college. Nothing was making the weight budge. Nothing!

When Noah turned a year old this past May, and I was sucking myself in to get my size 8 jeans shut every morning, I knew I had to do something. I posted a frustrated statement on Facebook, and that's what got me in touch with my trainer, Christi. She had been teaching my kids in her Toddlerobics class each week since the fall (and since Matthew had decided he was going to marry her and became completely obsessed with bringing her flowers and gifts, we had been Facebook friends for a long while. We had even had a few play dates together.) But this was the first time she had every really offered to truly help me out at the gym and show me a workout that I could: 1. Accomplish, 2. Love to do, and 3. Make the weight come off! I was scared at first (Christ is amazingly fit, and I've seen her work out before. There was no way I could keep up with her. No way at all. Plus, I was scared to death of the free weight area of the gym, and I knew she'd take me back there.) But I was fed up with being chubby, so I took her up on her more than generous offer.

We met the first day at our gym, and she had designed a work out specifically based upon what I could do and where I was at in my fitness journey. (So she met me where I was. This gave me confidence and made me less nervous in what she was teaching me. I knew that if everything else failed, at least I knew how to run!)  She taught me about Circuit Workouts. Basically, a circuit consists of high intensity cardio, strength training, and ab training. So, I could still run my heart out on the treadmill (yay!) and get the rest of my body into shape, too. The circuits keep my body constantly burning calories throughout the day. So it's not like one little burst or calorie burn and then you're done for the day. This keeps working. Cool!

For the circuits she designed for me, I run hardcore on the treadmill for 3 minutes, do about 3 minutes of strength training, and repeat that process five times. At the end, I do about 15 minutes of ab floor work. I stay away from the machines because surprise! They weren't doing anything! In the evenings, I also do the Ab Challenge (I've talked about it on the blog before), and that was also Christi's idea. The workout is challenging and pushes me to my limit every single time, but I LOVE that feeling. If I leave the gym feeling like I could go run a marathon, I've done something wrong. If I wake up the next morning and don't hurt, I worry. Workouts should be intense. I want to feel like I'm doing something.

Christi's workout is AMAZING. I love doing it, and I am brave in the free weight area now. Some of the guys back in that area even know me now, and they respect my being back there because they have realized I know what I'm doing (or I can at least fake it ;)). I have also taught some of them how to share. It's a win-win for us all.

Here's the best part though....Christ's workout works! I have lost tons of inches from my waist. (I recently came to the conclusion that the scale is my worst enemy, so I avoid it. I know I'm losing inches because my clothes are falling off my hips.) My abs also look much more toned. I can totally see a lot more definition there. I recently just bought size 6 jeans, and my goal is to be in a size 4 by Christmas. I know with Christi's plan, I can do it.

Christi is available for training! She teaches classes through CCAC. In the summer, she also teaches a boot camp at South Park. But honestly, if you are looking to get into shape and lose inches and weight, you need to have her time one-on-one. And no need to fear her. She doesn't yell mean, insulting things at you while you are struggling to do a push up. She's full of honesty and encouragement. Love her. :) For more info on the personal training, you can click here. Or just message me, and I'll get you in touch with her.

Here are some before and after pictures of me.....Thank you, Christi, for making me feel skinny again! I could not have gotten back into shape without you and your expertise. You rock!

From the beginning of June 2013. My dear college roomie looks amazing! However, notice the baby bulge on me. Not attractive!
From the beginning of September 2013....what a difference a summer can make!

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