The Prince Family

The Prince Family

Friday, September 6, 2013

Seven Quick Takes

I couldn't let a Friday go by without putting in my two cents...

1. I'M MEETING RASCAL FLATTS TONIGHT! And I'm pretty darn excited about it. I hope I don't make a total moron out of myself. We will see. Why at 28 years old this still excites me, I will never know. But I am pumped. :)

2. Big Brother last night was AWESOME! Totally the best episode of the entire season. Amanda and Elissa left the Big Brother house. Finally! Seriously, I didn't like Ginamarie in the beginning, but after pulling off such a power move, she totally deserves the win the whole thing. I'm hoping her alliance doesn't turn on this week. We will see. It was nice to actually enjoy watching the show again. Okay, so Brian and I always get a kick out of it. But last night just took it back to old school Big Brother when Mike Boogie and Dr. Will used to play the game. It was a great reward to be able to come to it after a LONG night of tutoring.

3. I only got to the gym three days this past week and am feeling like a total slacker. I took a long walk yesterday and took another one today. Plus, I still do the ab challenge every night, but there's nothing like sweating it out at the gym. Oh, well. One rough week won't kill me. I'll get back into the swing next week. But I only realize how much I love working out on the days when I don't have the time/ability to do so. I guess it's good that I miss it since that means I actually like it.

4. Now that you're totally falling asleep, we can just skip to the next one.

5. Matthew finished his first week of preschool. He goes two mornings a week, and he LOVED it! Yay! He happily ran off each morning, and he has slowly been telling me more about what he actually does at school. Yesterday they practiced making the letter "A" and painting with water colors. He likes going to the Bike Room the best, and they try to do that each morning. No wonder he is exhausted! He napped for three hours yesterday afternoon and then slept from 830-730 last night. Poor guy. Happy Mommy. :)

6. NFL season kicked off last night and I am thrilled to report that the Ravens LOST!!!! Woohoo!!! Now all the Steelers need to do is win their home opener and we're already a game ahead of the dirty birds! What a great way to start off the season...ahead of Baltimore. I love it. Thank you, Peyton Manning, for totally rocking it with 7 touchdowns last night. You, sir, are my new favorite person. I'll finish this quick take with: HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO!

7. The weather in Pittsburgh the past few days has been glorious. Totally starting to feel a bit like early Fall. I'm loving every second of it. I've had great hair days because the humidity is totally 0. Awesome. That being said, even though the temps drop into the 40's at night, I still have our window unit AC cranked on high. I love sleeping in the ice cold. It's better that way. Brian thinks I'm strange, so if you might think that, too, right about now, I can't say I blame you.

Have a fantastic weekend!

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