The Prince Family

The Prince Family

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Five Faves: The Hubby Edition

I got to thinking today that my husband is pretty awesome. And I thought I'd share why. So here are my five favorite things about my hubby:

1. He is beyond patient and always is there to listen to me.
Yesterday, after a very long day at work and long evening with the kids, we were finally settled into our normal seats for the evening. Me on the couch and him in the recliner. Dance Moms was playing on the DVR and Leslie had just had the mother of all tantrums. And at that moment, I just felt like I had to unload every fear and worry and sadness that I was feeling at the current moment. Instead of rolling his eyes and brushing me off, Dance Moms got paused and Brian listened to me unload for a good half hour. And that's not out of the norm. I know I can always count on him whenever I need a friend or a shoulder to cry on.

2. He loves our kids to pieces and is an incredible, hands on Dad.
He is most happy playing with our boys and teaching them things. He LOVES spending time with them and cannot get to them fast enough once work is over for the day. He never even hesitates when I ask him to watch them solo because I need to work or just need some "me" time. He is more than happy to do his fair share and goes above and beyond. Seeing him with our kids is such a joy.

3. He loves me even though I'm not the life of the party.
I have a fairly melancholic personality. I tend to see the glass half empty most days, and although internally I usually feel some sort of being content, I'm not one to simply just run around smiling. In fact, super bubbly people usually annoy me. (If you are reading this and we are friends, clearly I do not consider you super bubbly. So no need to take offense. :) If we aren't friends and you feel you are super bubbly, I apologize, but in real life, I'd probably annoy you, too!) But Brian loves me anyway. He loves seeing me laugh and smile and enjoy life, too, but at the end of the day, he accepts me for the personality I have and doesn't wish me to be more outgoing or happier. He's okay with who I am and doesn't want me to be anything more.

4. He is holy and devout and strives daily to live his faith.
Brian calls me on to be a better Catholic. He takes the Church's teachings seriously and loves passing on those teachings to our children. We talk about the Church and faith openly in our house and enjoy discussing theological issues on our own level. And he prays. Lots. I don't where he finds the time, but he does. Every morning he tells the boys that he will, "pray for them" during the day. It is so wonderful to be married to such a strong man of God. His example calls me on to do better and pray more and become more faithful. We are both blessed to be able to put God at the center of marriage.
5. He works hard every single day to provide for our family.
Brian goes off to work every day so that the boys and I can stay home together. At one point he even worked two jobs so that we could make ends meet. And he doesn't complain about it. He works long hours most days, and then comes home and works some more being a husband and father. He is proud to be putting a roof over our heads and food on our table and feels that's his duty as the man of the house. His only regret is that he doesn't provide more for us. How amazing. 

I love my husband a lot, for many reasons. The above are just five of my favorites. I am beyond blessed that he chose me to share this journey of life with, and the boys and I am grateful to have him in our lives. I honestly don't know what we'd do without him. He's a pretty special guy, for sure. :)


  1. Such a nice post, Danielle! My name is Heather and I just have a quick question about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at) that would be great!
