The Prince Family

The Prince Family

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Seven Quick Takes: The Fall Edition

I know I'm a day late. Yesterday was just a no good, really hard, really sad day. So I'm making up for it now with my belated Seven Quick Takes about my favorite time of year, Fall.

1. Matthew had a Build 'n Grow Clinic at Lowes today. If you haven't done one of these, you are missing out. They are completely FREE! Matthew has been participating since March and has built about two dozen projects. The best part is that while Matthew and Daddy build, Mommy and Noah get set loose in Lowes. Oh and today was just so wonderful there. We found a new door mat, Mums on sale, a hay bale, and a corn stalk! Time for some fall decorating of our front yard! I'm not done yet....I have a few more DIY touches to add, but I am just in love with the outside of our house. It is too cute!

2. Dunkin Donuts has pumpkin muffins and pumpkin lattes and while just today my size 6 jeans started to fall off when I stand up (I hear size 4's and a shopping trip calling my name!), I worked extra hard at the gym all week so that I can go and enjoy a pumpkin muffin after Mass tomorrow. Yum, yum, and more yum! :) Ssshhhh. Don't tell Christi!

3. The weather here the past two days has been gorgeous! In the low 60's and sunny. Perfect hoodie and jeans weather. And I love my hoodies. I have missed them so much since the beginning of May. My hardest decision getting dressed the past two days has been which college I feel like supporting that day. Yesterday I chose my Alma Mater, today I chose Pitt and maybe I'll switch to Penn State before they kick off at 6. Some may call this a lazy look, but for Brian, it's his all time favorite look of mine. And if it makes him happy, all the better.

Brian's favorite look of mine...messy pony tail and all. Glad he likes it.

4. With fall comes FOOTBALL! I especially LOVE Friday Night Lights. Oh, heck I also love Saturdays full of college ball and Sundays full of the NFL. I love it all. It is the best sport ever invented. Last night, we headed over to see my old high school play a game at the local stadium. It was fun....we were an awesome football team when I was there. Not sure what's going on now, but hey, I'll just say we're rebuilding. :)

My boys enjoying the game. Love this pic!

5. Today Brian helped me do some Fall cleaning of the shed out back. I just love cleaning for Fall. It actually motivates me to make the house spic and span. It doesn't stay that way long, but it sure looks nice for a few minutes.

6. Also with Fall cleaning, comes major organizing from me. I LOVE bins. Bins are amazing little things that keep toys in one place and keep everything organized and together. They keep my living areas clutter free, and they actually make for very easy clean up. I used my Cartwheel at Target and got the bins on clearance, too, so I scored some major deals yesterday! And now my house is happy and organized. Evidence is below. :)

7. And here's one last photo that just screams FALL to me. Skinnygirl + football. Doesn't get much better than that!

Happy Weekend, everyone!

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